by Eric Roper | Jun 20, 2016 | Criminal Defense, Military Law, Uncategorized
Unlike a civilian jury, where potential jurors are selected at random from the community based on DMV records, members of a military jury (known as a panel) in a court-martial under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) are personally selected by the...
by Eric Roper | Jan 7, 2012 | Criminal Defense, Military Law, Uncategorized
Manufacturers of synthetic marijuana (widely referred to as “Spice”) have responded to recent state and Federal laws criminalizing the use and possession of the herb by slightly altering the chemical compounds involved in the manufacturing process to avoid using the...
by Eric Roper | Oct 7, 2011 | Criminal Defense, Military Law, Uncategorized
Consider the following hypothetical case. You are home watching TV when you hear a knock at the front door. Answering the door, you find a uniformed police officer who asks if he may come inside and take a look around because neighbors have reported smelling what...
by Eric Roper | Apr 29, 2011 | Criminal Defense, Military Law, Uncategorized
Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) provides the authority for a Commanding Officer to impose non-judicial punishment (NJP). Subject to some limitations, individuals facing NJP have the right to refuse NJP and to consult with a criminal defense...
by Eric Roper | Jan 31, 2011 | Military Law, Uncategorized
The recent case of U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sergeant William Gurney serves as a reminder that military personnel are often held to a higher standard under the UCMJ than their civilian counterparts. According to media reports (available here and here), CMSgt Gurney...